Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Who the hell invented Valentine's Day? In my humble opinion, it was a smug, selfish arsehole who had no regard for his fellow man.

I mean, if you're in love, met the woman-of-your-dreams, your soulmate, your half orange (as they say in Argentina) then you've got the whole year to profess your undying love. You have anniversaries, birthdays, two-for-one giveaways.

If, like me, you don't, then inventing a day when you have everyone else's happiness rammed in your lonely face is not a something to celebrate. Yet being the curmudgeonly 30-year old that I now am, I've actually stopped caring. And staying in, on my own, on this venerated Valentine's was in no way something to be ashamed of.

It's a little like the epiphany I had earlier this year about going to the cinema on my own. What's the problem? I had a great time - ate some good food, watched Sin City on TV. Why do I need to spend it with someone?

Besides, I could have spent it with someone if I had wanted to. Only on Saturday I finished with Lisa, partly because she wasn't for me and partly because I couldn't bear having to make all lovey-dovey with her. Oh, and of course the prospect of having to fork out for cards, meals or some other perishable that would quickly have been eaten, smelled, drunk and forgotten.

Anyway, I have some packing today. I'm off to Israel for a few days to meet my brother's latest progeny, his third. I've got a lot of catching up to do.


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