Thursday, March 09, 2006


So I have another job interview. Next Friday. And this one is going to require some serious preparation. Which is good, because it means I don't have to kill myself trying to ask myself questions I might have thrown at me in the interview; but it's bad, because if I don't get the job then I'll have wasted another week of my life trying.

From what I hear, they're after a woman. So I may have to camp it up in the interview. Luckily, the editor seems to have taken a shine to me. So hopefully a good schmooze here, a witty aside there, should help.

Other than that, I've just written to Lisa, the object of my obsession for the past four years. She lives in Hungary and I haven't seen her for more than three-and-a-half years; nor have I spoken to her. I have no idea if she's married, if she's happy, or if she ever wants to see me again.

At one point, I offered to go all the way to Budapest to see her. She never replied. Today I learned that my e-mail hasn't been working properly. Could Lisa have written to me since I last laid my heart on the table back in October? I'll probably never know. She always replies to one or two mails and then disappears for months end. She doesn't answer personal questions and she won't give me her number. A sign perhaps? Until she actually writes: "David, not interested, leave me alone", then I'll still hold up hope; and her image will still pop into my head when there's nothing else going on up there - fading, but still vivid enough to remember her long, sinuous figure, eastern European face, and long, dirty-blonde hair.

Let's see if she replies. The last time she wrote was to ask to see if I was okay after the London bombings.


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