Thursday, December 22, 2005

Three days to go till I turn 30

Days off are one of life's greatest joys. I slept in till 9.30 today and didn't even get dressed till midday. Granted, entertaining the electrician wasn't on my list of ways to occupy my time today. And I still haven't finished writing my cover letter to Sky for correspondent job. I hate these superficial, contrived exercises - blow your own trumpet too much and you're an egocentric moron; too little, and you're an introverted imbecile who doesn't seem to want the job after all. Why do cover letter's even exist? Does anyone even read them? "Dear Sir: please give me the job. I am dynamic, engaging, experienced, handsome, young, able to work under pressure, bored shitless of writing the same cover letter over and over again. Regards Someone who's application you'll reject because he's not from an ethnic minority/a woman/been working as a journalist since he fell out of his cot."

Anyway, as it happens I spent much of the day trying to find a reasonably-priced flight to Israel for New Year's Eve. I always leave things to the last minute. And even when I make a decision, I dither to such a degree that someone snaffles the seat just as I'm about to click on the "buy" button.

The other highlight of the day was cooking. My parents and a couple of friends are ocming over for lunch on Saturday. I'm planning duck, chicken, pineapple and sweet potatoes, not all at the same time. Aurora recons it's a bad idea to mix your birds. But I'd already defrosted them, so it was too late. And although things between us now seem pretty much normal (thank G-d), she won't be joining us for lunch. Another friend of hers demanded she go round there instead. I suggested we split Aurora in two - that way we could get to share her.

In a couple of days, she'll be gone for an entire month, gallavanting around southeast Asia for the umpteenth time. As for me, it looks I'll be spending a rather lonesome New Year's Eve in North London. I have no idea who is going to be around, and I certainly haven't planned anything. Can I be arsed with it all? Probably not. But then, it just wouldn't do to be dull on New Year's Eve, just a week after I've turned 30.


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