Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Five days to go till I'm 30


My cold is trying to get the better of me. All day, my eyes have been streaming, my nose has been dripping and my eyes look more sunken than Skeletor's. Worst of all, I think I have the beginnings of - horror of horrors - a cold sore.

I don't think it's quite blossomed into its full glory yet. But I'm pretty sure it's there, hovering below the left side of my lower lip, threatening to make my mug about as television-friendly as the Elephant Man's.

My initial reaction to seeing this facial slur was shock. I've never had one before. And I haven't snogged anyone for weeks. Do you get it from shagging, I asked myself? But then I haven't slept with anyone in six months either! Apparently about 80% of the population has the virus which causes them. You can also get them when your ill (as I am right now), stressed (perennially) or emotionally upset (yep). What a bastard of a sore!

Anyway, I live in hope. It's still not too noticeable. Though it's probably just as well that I'm too ill to venture outside too late.

Five days before I turn 30 I know I should be out partying, getting drunk and hanging out with my friends before they go away. But I can't be arsed. I just want to curl up in a bed with a good book and roast alongside my radiator.


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