Sunday, December 18, 2005

Still seven days to go...


I saw King Kong today. Phenomenally ambitious film, 1930s New York so lovingly created in 21st century CGI. Favourite line: "Yes, I'm touching the beast...behold my 25ft tall gorilla." Favourite part of the film - reading the credits and seeing that one of the accountants who worked on the big budget blockbuster was called Karen Kong. Do you think she got the job through her family connections?

I had planned to go to see the film on my own. Solo film-going is a pleasure I only recently discovered Gone are the days when I'm too self-conscious to be seen without someone sitting alongside me. Instead, I find the whole experience intensely liberating: I get to see what I went, when I want, and all at the cinema two streets from my home. Why do you need to do something as antisocial as going to the cinema with someone else?

But I didn't go on my own. Aurora called - the first time she's done so in over a week. A fun time was had by all and there was absolutely no monkey business.


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