It's been three weeks since my blinding job interview and still I have no idea when I'll get to meet the big boss.
It's been over a month since I pitched my genius of an Internet idea to the chief executive of a listed media firm, and still he hasn't got back to me. My other business ideas remain frozen in the back of my mind, waiting to be implemented, waiting for me to get off my arse.
But nothing happens. Nothing changes. Boredom grows. And frustration seethes out of my every pore. Today's achievements include: a quote on carpets for my stairwell; a walk to the newsagents to buy the MediaGuardian, only for me to return home empty-handed after I realised it was Tuesday rather than Monday; and two-and-a-half mind-numbing hours watching The Aviator. Now I have to ready myself for another night-shift. Arggh...
It's been three weeks since my blinding job interview and still I have no idea when I'll get to meet the big boss.
It's been over a month since I pitched my genius of an Internet idea to the chief executive of a listed media firm, and still he hasn't got back to me. My other business ideas remain frozen in the back of my mind, waiting to be implemented, waiting for me to get off my arse.
But nothing happens. Nothing changes. Boredom grows. And frustration seethes out of my every pore. Today's achievements include: a quote on carpets for my stairwell; a walk to the newsagents to buy the MediaGuardian, only for me to return home empty-handed after I realised it was Tuesday rather than Monday; and two-and-a-half mind-numbing hours watching The Aviator. Now I have to ready myself for another night-shift. Arggh...
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